Maria Carmen Gambliel celebrates Maria Andrea Berain

Con Cariño

Statement by Maria Carmen

Maria Andrea Berain

When invited to participate in this suite on Remarkable Boise Women, I immediately thought I would like to celebrate Maria Andrea Berain's lifelong dedication to the cultural arts and practices of her Mexican-American heritage. In 1996, shortly after moving to Boise, I met Maria Andrea Berain. I recall attending a festival where she demonstrated how to make piñatas, paper flowers, and cascarones. The simplicity of the materials she uses in her work - tissue paper, balloons, pipe cleaners, and home-made flour paste - expresses a way of life, a community esthetic and her cultural identity. Her practice sustains her culture everywhere she lives, teaches, and celebrates family and community life and holidays. Maria Andrea's joyful approach to life is obvious in the flowers, stars, dolls, or balls she creates out of colorful tissue paper. Her creations, although ephemeral, bring an enduring joy, which inspired me to use one of her star-shaped piñatas, con cariño, to include her in the long list of Remarkable Boise Women.

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